C H R I S T I A N E D U C A T I O N & F O R M A T I O N
Children and Youth
Christian education is a priority. Our children attend Godly Play (4 years-3rd grade) Youth Sunday School (4th-12th grades) on Sunday mornings at 9:30 and Wednesday Worship on Wednesday nights at 5:30. Children in 7th grade and higher are encouraged to discern if they are ready to make a mature response to their baptism in Confirmation. If one feels so-called, they take Confirmation Classes with other Youth.
Inquirers Class/Confirmation Class
Those who are new to the Episcopal tradition and those who want to deepen and reaffirm their understanding of the tradition, are able to engage the teachings of the church in this class that is usually offered August-September.
Vacation Bible School
Calvary Episcopal teams up with First Pres., St. Luke’s Methodist, and First United Methodist for VBS every June.
Adult Sunday School
Sunday mornings at 9:30 from August-May. Typically we offer adult classes that are based in scripture and facilitate the deepening of the experience of the liturgical seasons.
Theology on Tap
Adults gather monthly at a home or local restaurant to discuss theology and faith and how theses things bear on current issues and hot topics with tasty food and beverages in hand.