Gathering with and Serving One Another
Parishioners serve one another and the parish in a variety of ways, caring for each other as one big family. Parish life centers around worship on Sunday which includes participation from acolytes, the altar guild, licensed lay readers, and lectors along with a talented music director and choir. In addition to serving during worship services, parishioners lead and serve in all areas of ministry.
Children in first grade and up are encouraged to serve as acolytes. Acolytes serve as crucifer (the one who carries the cross that leads the procession in and out of the sanctuary) book-bearer (carries the Gospel book in processions)
LECTORS: read the second lesson and sometimes serve as chalice bearers in the weekly Holy Eucharist.
LICENSED LAY MINISTERS: train to become licensed by the Diocese to read scripture, prayers, and assist at the altar.
USHERS: greet congregants and distribute bulletins and pass the plate during the collection.
ALTAR GUILD: prepare and decorate the altar for weekly Holy Eucharist, burials, weddings, and special services and Feasts throughout the year
Led by our Interim Music Director, Lynn Shurden, the Calvary choir practices weekly and lifts a joyful noise on Sunday mornings and for burials, weddings, and special services and Feasts.
Evangelism Committee:
This new committee guides the parish as we invite, welcome, and connect fellow pilgrims in the Way to the unique and vibrant ministry and worship of the parish.
Outreach Committee:
The Outreach Committee discerns how God is calling us to serve our community and the world.
Stewardship Committee:
The stewardship committee guides the Parish in its efforts to encourage all parishioners to give generously of their time, talent, and treasures.
The ECW meets informally each month for social hour with quarterly business meetings. The ECW also sponsors a greenery sale which results in money being used for various projects and outreach. The Altar Guild is an extension of the ECW and committee members serve on a monthly basis throughout the year. ECW members also prepare baptismal banners for each candidate. Another extension of the ECW is the Parlor Purlers, a knitting group which meets weekly in the Rayner House Parlor and knits for fun and for charity.
The Men’s Group meets for social activities and business meetings. Their one fundraiser each year is the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. This event is recognized and participated in by all of the Cleveland community. The Men’s group uses the money raised to support building projects and outreach.
The ECW group has formed TLC, Tender Loving Care, an organization of small teams which serve on a weekly basis to care for parishioners in time of need as an extension of the pastoral care provided by the priest.
The hospitality committee plans events which keeps our church community in touch. Some of the activities include potluck dinners, a fall picnic at Dockery Plantation, a Rogation service and picnic in the spring to bless the fields for the upcoming growing season, annual parish Christmas party, weekly social hour after Sunday worship, Parish breakfasts during the programming year.
If you’re interested in getting involved in our ministry, let us know below!