6,045 books given
6,045 books given
WHAT IS RAP? Reading at the Park in collaboration with Delta State University Libraries and local non profit youth program FLYZone, Calvary Episcopal Church created RAP: Reading at the Park, a book giveaway ministry to encourage better literacy and academic outcomes in underserved areas.
In Mississippi nearly 70% of children are designated “not ready” upon entering kindergarten. This rate correlates roughly with the rate of low-income households. In low-income households, children hear on average 30 million words fewer than their more advantaged peers. Reading at the Park puts books in the hands of children and parents, celebrates the importance (and joy) of reading to and with youngsters to help curb that language gap, and helps build stronger foundation for literacy and life success. Reading at the Park is a fruitful ministry for Mississippi parishes to engage because it facilitates the mission of the Church: “to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ” while addressing the educational inequities and deficiencies in Mississippi. In our half a year of operating, I have seen people who do not normally work, play, or pray together rally around this common pure purpose and fall in Godly love with one another.
How do parents know what typical communication looks like? Zero to five is the most important time for communication (what a child understands and what they are able to express) and is a strong predictor of reading success. So, how do children learn to communicate? They learn from watching and having meaningful interactions with those around them. The children in the film below are all at different levels of communication. The goal is for parents and anyone interacting with small children to watch and think, “Hmm, my child is communicating or my child is not communicating in these ways.” If you have questions or concerns about your child’s communication, please contact your pediatrician or a Speech-Language Pathologist to determine if Early Intervention is recommended .
Purchase books from our carefully selected book list.
Help offset cost associated with Reading at the Park and move us closer to our dream of a bookmobile, “bookit”.
Check out the upcoming RAP sessions and learn the various roles of volunteers.